W3C Community Group Call

Revisions to the scope document discussed on the W3C Community Group call  
on Wednesday 29 September have now been made as agreed, and the document  
is now open for comment. Please raise any issues as comments on the  
document, and these can be picked up for discussion on the next call.  
Thanks, and have a good weekend, Tim

Title: W3C Community Group Call
Topic: W3C Community Group Call - Inaugural call, MembershipsAgenda and  
slides for this call can be found at  
ID: 667 135 5188Passcode: openactiveOne tap  
mobile+441314601196,,6671355188# United Kingdom+442030512874,,6671355188#  
United KingdomDial by your  
location        +44 131 460 1196  
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203 481 5240 United KingdomMeeting ID: 667 135 5188Find your local  
number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kyaK4rU2PJoin by Skype for  

When: Wed 29 Sept 2021 2pm – 3:30pm United Kingdom Time
     (Guest list has been hidden at organiser's request)

Received on Friday, 1 October 2021 13:21:32 UTC