- From: <nick.evans@theodi.org>
- Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 00:09:25 +0000
- To: public-openactive@w3.org
- Message-ID: <00000000000061e0ff0582e91aea@google.com>
This event has been changed. Title: OpenActive Booking Specification Finalisation As per e-mail, please see revised schedule below. See here for the latest draft: https://www.openactive.io/open-booking-api/EditorsDraft/ Please use the following link to join the calls: https://zoom.us/j/3906833882 (Audio-only available via: +44 203 695 0088 Meeting ID: 390 683 3882) Hope to see you tomorrow! Thanks, Nick -- 4 March - Open Booking 1.0CR spec release - Candidate Release of Open Booking spec 13 March 2pm - W3C Call - Full technical walkthrough, designed for developers looking to implement the specification 27 March 2pm - W3C Call - Q&A for developers who are working through designs for implementation, and discussion of any revisions based on feedback 10 April 2pm - W3C Call - Q&A for developers who are working through designs for implementation, and discussion of any revisions based on feedback 12 April - Open Booking 1.0 submitted for release - Final 1.0 released with request for community to sign-off final version (and to speak now or forever hold your peace) 26 April - W3C CG Ratification via "Final Report" - Final 1.0 published, assuming no objections (changed) When: Wed 13 Mar 2019 2pm – 3:30pm United Kingdom Time (changed) Where: https://zoom.us/j/3906833882 Calendar: public-openactive@w3.org Who: (Guest list has been hidden at organiser's request) Event details: https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=VIEW&eid=NWZpY3RiZ2IxOXE4YWZldG04Njg0a2hqdWZfMjAxOTAzMTNUMTQwMDAwWiBwdWJsaWMtb3BlbmFjdGl2ZUB3My5vcmc&tok=MjEjbmljay5ldmFuc0B0aGVvZGkub3JnNDgyZjgxYWVjZDA4MGU2ZDQzMjhlY2JjZDZjZGRlZTBjMmRlYjE1MA&ctz=Europe%2FLondon&hl=en_GB&es=0 Invitation from Google Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/ You are receiving this courtesy email at the account public-openactive@w3.org because you are an attendee of this event. To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event. Alternatively, you can sign up for a Google account at https://www.google.com/calendar/ and control your notification settings for your entire calendar. Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response. Learn more at https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37135#forwarding
- application/ics attachment: invite.ics
Received on Thursday, 28 February 2019 00:09:48 UTC