Latest in progress Booking specification


During our catch-up call this week, we reviewed the latest draft of the
Open Booking specification. The spec has been revised based on feedback
we've received over the last few months. The latest version is now at:

There are some areas of the specification that are still to be completed
and some examples to cover.

We're planning to push forward on this over the next few weeks, with a goal
of getting to a final specification that we can publish as a stable 1.0, as
soon as possible.

Now would be great time to review the specification. Especially Sections
4-8 which is now relatively stable.

Feel free to use this email list to discuss changes or leave an issue on



Leigh Dodds, Data Infrastructure Programme Lead,
The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE

Received on Friday, 1 February 2019 16:00:46 UTC