Community group governance and processes


A number of new people have joined the community group over the last few
months (welcome!).
We also have a number of activities in progress around booking, facilities,
amenities as well as other proposals that are starting to come from
community discussions.

So far we've been working with fairly light-weight processes to propose,
discuss and make changes to the specifications. But it feels like its time
to codify things to help us to better manage updates.

I thought it would be useful to put together some documentation that will

* provide some background on the group and how we work in the open
* outline how we collaborate and the tools we use
* describe the process for requesting changes and how updates are made to
the specifications

The documentation is available here, please feel free to review and comment:

The documentation should be useful for everyone, but if you're new to the
group, then I'd definitely encourage you to take a look.

The key change will be moving towards regular point releases of
specifications every 2 months. That will help us get into a rhythm of
updating our work. The next releases will be at the end of April.

If you're interested in getting the specifications revised, then take a
look at the sections outlining how to make a proposal.



Leigh Dodds, Data Infrastructure Programme Lead,
The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 11:51:59 UTC