Re: Disability support catagorisation


Just to add to this thread - SportSuite is the same as Will from GLL’s list below.  We too found that this served all CSP’s council / Board /funding reports. :)


Kim Lillie
Innovation & Enterprise Officer<><><>

On 2 May 2017, at 12:02, Will Barr <Will.Barr@GLL.ORG<mailto:Will.Barr@GLL.ORG>> wrote:

Hi Ben,

GLL uses the following classification which originated from the Inclusive Fitness Initiative

Although simple it has served our very large membership database well and is a mandatory data field as this information is a reporting requirement for our council partners

-       Physical Impairment
-       Hearing Impairment
-       Visual Impairment
-       Learning Impairment
-       Multiple Impairment
-       Health / Other Impairment



Will Barr B.A. M.Sc. APMP
Head of Business Intelligence
Marketing Department
GLL – (Greenwich Leisure Limited)
Tel: 0203 874 8478

GLL is a Charitable Social Enterprise

From: Ben Kirk []
Sent: 28 April 2017 15:04
To:<>; Leigh Dodds
Subject: Disability support catagorisation

Hi all,

As we’ll be discussing disabilities in our next call I wanted to share a few notes on how Get Active and Open Sessions describe disability support in sessions.

Get Active uses the following five broad categories.

Learning Disability
Mental Health Condition
Physical Impairment
Visual Impairment

Open Sessions is also based on these five categories, while providers can also opt to show ‘Please ask for more information’ as a sixth option to encourage potential attendees to make enquiries about their specific requirements before turning up.

We’ve seen other regional activity finders use similar but more specific categorisation. E.g. Active Gloucestershire have:

Autism / Asperger’s
Learning Disability
Lower Limb Impairments
Manual Wheelchair Users
Power Wheelchair Users
Upper Limb Impairments
Visual Impairments

There are also some disability lists out there with far more granularity. E.g. Deloitte Parasport has:

    Legs Single
    Legs Double
    Arms Single
    Arms Double
    One Leg, One Arm
    One Leg, Two Arms
    Two Legs, One Arm
    Two Legs, One Arm
    Two Legs, Two Arms
Cerebral Palsy
    CP1-4 Wheelchair Users
    CP5-8 Non-Wheelchair Users
Spinal Cord Injury
Visual Impairment
    B1 - Blind
    B2 - Partially Sighed
    B3 - Visually Impaired
Learning Disabilities
Other Impairments

(CP1 being highest level of impairment, CP8 being lowest level of impairment)

However it’s worth noting that Deloite Parasport has been designed to guide users with impairments to information about which sports they could potentially do, as apposed to using the above categories to tag and classify actual sessions.

I hope this is helpful, looking forward to discussing in more detail on the call.


Ben Kirk

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