MyLocalPitch availability and booking data

Hi all,

While I believe the call later is primarily about Activity Lists, it seems that the group will be looking at availability and booking data in the coming weeks. Prior to that it has been requested that I show an example of how we process the data to display on MyLocalPitch. 

To give context, this is a venue in Manchester where we publish their data and make bookings via their Gladstone software: <>

We’ve taken a simplified approach and just pull through what we need in order to (1) show availability for facilities, (2) create a booking and (3) confirm a booking. 
(There are other steps taken on a case-by-case basis with regards to e.g. checking/creating a member and variable pricing.)

You can see the document below, there may be time to touch on it later. Also happy to talk it through with anyone individually.



Jamie Foale | CEO

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Received on Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:55:48 UTC