OntoLex/Nexus T1.1 FrAC module telco, Jun 17, 12:00 CET

Dear all,

This is a reminder for the OntoLex FrAC/Nexus T1.1 lexicon telco next Thursday, June 17th, at 12:00 CET.
Last time we have not decided whether it is going to be this week or next week, which is why the reminder is going out so early. I will send out another reminder next week.

The Google Meet link for this telco is https://meet.google.com/rsx-mbkr-oxi <https://meet.google.com/rsx-mbkr-oxi>
As usual, agenda/minutes document is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N2w_r6WLhFGESSMSUkG5FSROorXscDMQuB77qg9uDIA/edit# <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N2w_r6WLhFGESSMSUkG5FSROorXscDMQuB77qg9uDIA/edit#>.

Best regards,

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2021 14:03:57 UTC