[CfP] First EADH Conference

Apologies for cross-posting



The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) invites submission
of proposals for its first annual conference relating to the general theme
of "Data in Digital Humanities".

Confirmed keynote speakers include Elisabeth Burr (University of Leipzig)
and Vladimir A. Plungian (Russian Academy of Sciences). A roundtable
session on the theme of data and digital humanities will be curated by
Christof Schöch.

Possible paper and poster themes include, but are not limited to:

   - Historical perspectives on data

   - Relationships between information, archives, documents and data

   - Data and metadata

   - The myth of raw data

   - Critical data and data critique

   - Data: dystopian and utopian

   - Data and creativity

   - Data science in digital humanities pedagogy


Presentations may include the following types:

   - Posters (abstract minimum 500 (maximum 750 words)

   - Short papers (abstract minimum 750 (maximum 1000 words)

   - Long papers (abstract minimum 1200 (maximum 1500 words)

   - Multiple paper panels (500-word abstracts + 500-word overview)

   - Pre-conference workshops and tutorials (proposal minimum 750 (maximum

   1200 words)

All proposals should include relevant citations to sources in the
appropriate literature. Citations are not to be included in the word count.

Additionally, proposals that concentrate on a particular tool or digital
resource should cite traditional as well as computer-based approaches to
the problem.

a. Poster Presentations - Poster proposals may present work on any relevant
topic, or offer project tools or software demonstrations in any stage of
development. Poster presentations are intended to be interactive with the
opportunity to exchange ideas one-on-one with attendees. Posters are
subject to the same rigorous peer review as other presentation types, and
submissions in this category are strongly encouraged.

b. Short Papers - Short paper proposals are intended to be dynamic
10-minute presentations appropriate for reporting on experiments or works
in progress or for describing tools or software in development. Short paper
sessions seek to open dialogues among scholars working on related topics.

c. Long Papers - Proposals for long papers should deal with substantial or
completed research; report the development of significant new methodologies
or digital resources; and present rigorous theoretical, speculative, or
critical discussions. Individual papers will be allocated 20 minutes for
presentation and 10 minutes for questions. Proposals relating to the
development of new computing methodologies or digital resources should
indicate how the methods are applied to research and/or teaching in the
humanities and what their impact has been in formulating and addressing
research questions. They should also include critical assessments of their
application in the humanities as well as of the computing methodologies

d. Multiple Paper Panels - Panels should focus on a single theme and be
conceived as 90-minute sessions of four to six speakers.

e. Pre-Conference Workshops - Workshops are normally either half-day or
full-day intensive introductions to specific techniques, software packages
or theoretical approaches with a small number of participants. Participants
in pre-conference workshops will be expected to register for the full
conference as well as pay a small additional fee. Workshops proposals
should provide the following information:

   - Title and brief description of the content or topic and its relevance

   to the digital humanities community.

   - Intended length and format of the workshop (minimum half-day; maximum

   one-and-a-half days);

   - Full contact information for all tutorial instructors or workshop

   leaders, including a one-paragraph statement summarizing their research

   interests and areas of expertise;

   - Description of target audience and expected number of participants

   (based, if possible, on past experience); and

   - Special requirements for technical support.

   - Proposed budget (workshops are expected to be self-financing); and if

   the workshop is to have its own call for participation, a deadline and

   for notification of acceptances, and a list of individuals who have

   to be part of the workshop"s Programme Committee.

The committee will not normally accept more than a total of two submissions
from one primary or co-author. The EADH in its conferences accepts
proposals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish (and other languages
subject to the availability of reviewers).

All presenters are strongly encouraged to prepare their presentations in
two languages for the conference. Both language versions should present
high-quality slides that allow participants to follow the flow of thoughts
and arguments developed in the talk. Presenters may either give their talk
in one language and present slides in the second language, or present the
slides in the language of the talk and make the second version of their
slides available on the conference website or via a handout.

The deadline for submitting poster, short paper, long paper, multiple-paper
panel proposals and workshop proposals to the Programme Committee is 23:59
GMT on 18 June 2018. Presenters will be notified of acceptance by 22 August

Proposals may be submitted by following the PROPOSALS <https://eadh2018eadh.
wordpress.com/submission-of-proposals/> link on the conference website:

eadh2018.eadh.org  http://eadh2018.eadh.org/

EADH2018 will be using double-blind peer review. To facilitate this
process, please remove all identifying information from your proposal
submission including author name and affiliation.

Presenters are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Global
Outlook::Digital Humanities" Translation Toolkit to prepare for a bilingual
conference. This includes guidelines and best practices for multilingual
slides/posters/handouts and ad-hoc community translation:


Similarly, participants are strongly encouraged to make themselves aware of
current recommendations for accessibility of presentations and
multimedia-based materials. Please review the World Wide Web Consortium"s
Web Initiative Guidelines on Presentation Accessibility:



The EADH as a member of the ADHO is committed to creating a safe,
respectful, and collegial conference environment for the benefit of
everyone who attends and for the advancement of research and scholarship.

The ADHO Digital Humanities conference Code of Conduct is available at:


Received on Saturday, 12 May 2018 06:55:21 UTC