Summary of last telco on the synsem module

Dear all,

  I hope you had all a nice pentecoste holiday. I summarize here our 
decisions from the last ontolex telco:

1) We agree to change the definition of the property "other form" to:

The property other form relates a lexical entry to a non-preferred 
("non-dictionary") representation of it.

2) Example 10 (ontolex): we agreed to extend this to also include a 
further example with one single entry with two non-related meanings, in 
addition to the homonym "bank".  John proposed to add "troll".

3) Example 17 (ontolex): John wanted to improve this example, I do not 
recall exactly how.

4) We agreed to change the definition of "Semantic Frame" to:

The class "Semantic Frame" captures the meaning of a lexical entry (and 
hence are also lexical senses) as expressed by one or more ontological 
predicates and their arguments. The different ontological predicates and 
their arguments form a whole that needs to be realized for the meaning 
to be complete.

5) We agreed to change the definition of the property "subframe" to:

The property subframe relates a complex semantic frame to a frame that 
represents a certain aspect or part of the complex semantic frame, that 
is eventually to a frame representing a single ontological predicate.

6) Now that we have "Semantic Frames", we decided to rename "Frame" to 
"Syntactic Frame"

7) I proposed to introduce the distinction between "Semantic Argument" 
and "Syntactic Argument" to make clear that conceptually such things are 
distinct but are coincidental in ontolex in the sense that one 
individual is used to unify or bind them together. It makes sense to me. 
John was not convinced. If I do not hear any strong opposition, I will 
add them to the model.

8) Examples 4, 5 and 6: we agreed to change them so that the meaning is 
not an event nor a consequent state (alma Mater). We agreed to keep an 
example for a relational noun (brother of), transitive verb (owns) and 
an intransitive verb with prepositional object that are less debatable ;-)

9) We agreed out to work out the Alice gave the gift to Bob" and "Alice 
gave Bob the gift" examples that Fahad brought up to make clear how this 
would be modelled in ontolex.

All for now.

Remember: our final discussion on the decomposition module is this 
Friday 29th of May, 16:00. Please send me any comments by Thursday at 
the very latest. I will sent out an email on this tonight.

Kind regards,


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
AG Semantic Computing
Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
Universität Bielefeld

Tel: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 6560

Office CITEC-2.307
Universitätsstr. 21-25
33615 Bielefeld, NRW

Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 05:37:30 UTC