and Organizations

Dear all,

This mail is rather of-topic with this mailing list but it is closely related with the discussion. And I know most of you are interested in the topic.

The site has drastically modified his policy to avoid spam "datasets". This new policy is based on the notion of "Organizations". They turned former groups into "Organizations" and they only allow datasets submissions to Organization. Many linguistic resources (and most LEMON based ones) where registered under the "Linguistic Resources (partly open)" group. Existing datasets may only be modified by authorized members of the group.

As I wanted to modify details in the "dbnary" dataset, I asked the ckan people to add me as an admin of the "Linguistic Resources (partly open)" and volunteered to register and give rights to the datasets description owners.

This is the purpose of my mail. If you have a datahub account and want to be given the possibility to edit the datasets you created under this group, just give me your datahub login and which datasets you want to modify (I think it may be all).



Gilles Sérasset
GETALP-LIG                         BP 53 - F-38041 Grenoble Cedex 9
Phone: +33 4 76 51 43 80                   Fax:   +33 4 76 63 56 86

Received on Friday, 8 November 2013 12:01:56 UTC