Re: Next Ontolex Meeting, tomorrow, Feb 22, 12:00

Hi Philipp,

On 21/02/2013 16:05, Philipp Cimiano wrote:
> Paul,
>   a few quick comments. Your lexicon :lexicon is declared as both having
> the language german and english at the same time. Is that intended?

not entirely intended but given the examples that's what it now looks 
like - i.e. we could separate out EN and DE lexical entries - but do we 
actually need to?

> Second, you do not want to decompose further: " Immaterielles
> Anlagevermögen"?

it is decomposed - see last lexical entry

> More tomorrow,
> Philipp.
> Am 21.02.13 16:55, schrieb Paul Buitelaar:
>> Hi Philipp, we added lemon RDF to the examples on
>> Cheers
>> Paul
>> On 21/02/2013 07:28, Philipp Cimiano wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> this is to inform you that tomorrow we will have our regular ontolex
>>>  teleconference.
>>> We will continue our discussion of particular examples, in particular
>>>  looking at the contributions here:
>>> Paul/Mihael: I do not see any RDF examples in the wiki yet, will you
>>>  manage to work them out until tomorrow?
>>> Elena/Lupe: same for you, I do not see any RDF examples in the wiki
>>> yet
>>> John: you wanted to work out how to represent Lexical Nets* in lemon,
>>>  with WordNet as an example; can you please provide some RDF code for
>>> this?
>>> From then on, I would discuss how to i) model lexico-syntactic
>>> patterns (Dagmar: are you going to be there?) and ii) how to link
>>> entries across resources. We could start with Framenet / Verbnet for
>>> example, then showing how they can be used within a lemon lexical
>>> entry. Linking to wiktionary could be also considered as well as to
>>> Another issue will be to look at modelling terminological resources
>>> in the lexicon-ontology model.
>>> Thanks to everybody. We have to get concrete and produce some (draft
>>> of a) spec this year ;-)
>>> Philipp.
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> Semantic Computing Group
> Excellence Cluster - Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> University of Bielefeld
> Phone: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 12412
> Room H-127
> Morgenbreede 39
> 33615 Bielefeld

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 16:12:00 UTC