Re: Open Call for Use Cases

Dear all,

I took the liberty of adding a new subgroup featuring
university-oriented groups, as I'm the newbie here I'm not sure that
it is really pertinent, feel free to correct me. My proposal in-line.


2012/3/21 Philipp Cimiano <>:
> Dear all,
>  this is a friendly reminder that your comments on the text for the open
> call for use cases are due today. Further suggestions for projects /
> mailinglists etc. to send this call to are also welcome.
> Best regards,
> Philipp.
> =======================================================
> Projects:
> - Metanet
> - Flarenet
> - Molto Project
> - Multilingual Web
> - IKS
> Companies
> - SAP
> - IBM
> - Elsevier
> - Mondeca
-Semantic Web Company (

University(-alike) working groups

- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) NLP Research group
- DERI's Unit for NLP (
- Paris13's Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord

> Mailinglists:
> - DBWorld
> - Semweb@w3c
> - Corpora list
> - Linguist list
> - ELRA
> - Open Linguistics
> =====================================
> Call for use cases for the ontology-lexicon model
> Since December 2011, the W3C Community Group on Ontology Lexica [1] has
> started its work.
> *** Motivation ***
> Ontologies have numerous applications and they represent the conceptual
> backbone of the Semantic Web. In fact, significant efforts have gone into
> standardization efforts under the auspices of the W3C to produce
> „recommendations“ for data and knowledge representation languages, i.e. the
> Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).
> However, current web-based knowledge representations languages such as OWL
> and RDF(S) lack the rich linguistic grounding that is required for
> language-mediated access to ontologies. OWL and RDF(S) rely on a property
> rdfs:label to capture the relation between a vocabulary element and its
> (preferred) lexicalization in a given language. This lexicalization in some
> sense provides a lexical anchor that makes the concept, property, individual
> etc. understandable to a user. The mechanisms for linguistic grounding
> available in OWL and RDF(S) are thus far from being able to capture the
> necessary linguistic and lexical information that NLP applications working
> with a particular ontology need.
> The mission of the Ontology-Lexicon community group is to develop a model
> for the linguistic grounding of ontologies which allows to represent to
> lexical entries containing information about how ontology elements (classes,
> properties, individuals etc.) are realized in multiple languages. A more
> detailed overview of the scope and goal of the working group can be found at
> [3].
> *** Open Call for Use Cases ***
> With this call for use cases, we intend to expand the scope of our current
> use cases (see [2]) by including use cases that are inspired in more
> concrete and real applications.
> We thus call for participation by industrial stakeholders and application
> developers in the Community Group by providing a description of a use case
> along the template found below.
> By this, we offer interested parties to participate in relevant
> standardization activities and have the chance to contribute with their
> ideas to the process of creating a standard for the representation of
> ontology lexica.
> We kindly ask you all to provide send the use case description to Philipp
> Cimiano ( until May 3rd. Any questions or
> comments can be addressed to Philipp Cimiano at the above email address.
> *** Participation in the Group ***
> People interested in the group’s activities, discussion and teleconferences
> are welcome to join the group at [1].
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> I. Motivation
> This should contain a short motivation of the use case, including a
> description of the application context and why it is relevant to specify the
> meaning of words with respect to a given ontology in the context of the
> application.
> II. Description of the use case
> This section should describe the use case in more detail, specifying how the
> lexicon-ontology interface would need to look like from the point of view of
> the application and how the lexicon-ontology interface is exploited in the
> context of the given application. If available, the ontology for the
> application should be briefly described.
> III. Limitations of existing models
> This section should discuss existing models and their limitations with
> respect to the needs of the application of question.
> IV. Example
> This section should provide a concrete example illustrating what kind of
> knowledge should be stated in the lexicon-ontology interface from the point
> of view of the application and how it would be exploited by the application.
> V. Requirements
> This section is optional and might already advance concrete requirements on
> the lexicon-ontology model.
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> Semantic Computing Group
> Excellence Cluster - Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> University of Bielefeld
> Phone: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 12412
> Mail:
> Room H-127
> Morgenbreede 39
> 33615 Bielefeld

Emilio Rubiera
CTIC-Centro Tecnológico
Researcher, Semantic Technologies
Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gijón
c/ Ada Byron, 39 Edificio Centros Tecnológicos
33203 Gijón - Asturias - Spain
Tel.: +34 984 29 12 12
Fax: +34 984 39 06 12
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Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 11:47:14 UTC