FW: Deadline for Semantic Technology & Business Conference

Semantic Technology & Business Conference is one of the two conferences that addresses Business applications of Semantic technologies.  Another one is the Semantic Days 2013: http://www.semanticdays.no in Stavanger, Norway, May 28-30, 2013.  For those who is interested in Semantic Days 2013, please contact Jennifer Sampson jensam@statoil.com<mailto:jensam@statoil.com>


From: SemTechBiz Events Team [mailto:mailer@email.mediabistro.com]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 8:02 AM
To: Chum, Frank Y
Subject: Deadline for Semantic Technology & Business Conference




Interested in presenting at Semantic Technology & Business Conference<http://semtechbizsf2013.semanticweb.com/?c=stsfcfpen>, June 2-5 in San Francisco? The deadline to enter is this Friday, January 18, so hurry and apply now<http://semtechbizsf2013.semanticweb.com/cfp.cfm?pgid=40&c=stsfcfpen>.

Speaking options include participation in panel sessions, tutorials, lightning talks, and sponsored sessions. Contact Eric Franzon<mailto:eric@semanticweb.com> with any questions about speaking opportunities.

Attend the conference and you'll receive:

  *   Proven methods for turning your Big Data into Smart Data
  *   Practical advice from our business luminaries and subject matter veterans
  *   Fresh insight on the latest applications and opportunities in semantic technology

Early bird prices for conference passes end February 6. Register today and save<http://semtechbizsf2013.semanticweb.com/?c=stsfcfpen>.


We look forward to seeing you there,
Eric Franzon and Stewart Quealy
Conference Co-Chairs
How to Sponsor:
USA Contact: Frank Fazio<mailto:eventsales@webmediabrands.com> or call (203) 662-2887
Europe Contact: Nick Paul<mailto:euroeventsales@webmediabrands.com> or call +44.1580.714.3327

Silver Sponsor




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Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2013 22:35:50 UTC