RE: First draft - Mission for O&G Semantic Web Interest Group

HCLS has government drivers that we do not.  In particular, one of their
big drivers is that there are government regulations that REQUIRE them
to do certain information management that may be best achieved with SW
techniques.  So far we have not identified regulatory activities as a
significant SW driver in the O&G industry.  I suppose it could come up,
but I don't recall any particular emphasis on that at the workshop.


From: Chum, Frank Y 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 3:28 PM
To: Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler)
Cc: 'Ivan Herman'; ''
Subject: RE: First draft - Mission for O&G Semantic Web Interest Group 


The HCLS group has government, industry and academia in that order.  I
changed the order to put government last.


I just concluded a conference call for the planning of the
OntologySummit2009:  "Toward Ontology-based Standards"
<>  with a F2F
meeting at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
<>  in Gaithersburg, Maryland 6-7 April2009, which I
plan to attend remotely (due to our travel restriction).  Ivan is in the
Advisory Committee.  I have been involved with some folks in the Ontolog
Forum <>  on best
practices in promoting, constructing, sharing and using open ontologies.
I think government and other open standards organizations can be viable
forums for such exchange and disseminate of information.


As for "Advocate the inclusion of industry standards to accelerate the
adoption of the technology", I meant the inclusion on O&G industry
standards (such as PRODML ontology, etc.) in the O&G Semantic Web



From: Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler) 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:35 PM
To: Chum, Frank Y; ''
Cc: 'Ivan Herman'
Subject: RE: First draft - Mission for O&G Semantic Web Interest Group 


Looks generally good, I guess.  I see it is modeled closely on the HCLS
statement, some of which may have an HCLS flavor.  For example,
disseminating to academia and government sounds like them, not us.
Perish the thought that we would disseminate anything at a government
event, at least as far as I'm concerned.  I would personally just
eliminate the last bullet as either obvious or misleading.  I might also
wonder whether another bullet might be possible along the lines of
identifying areas of concern to the industry that need further standards
work from the W3C?  I'm a little surprised that HCLS doesn't say
something about that.  Hasn't this actually (sort of) happened?

Here's a question.  You eliminated "Document guidelines to accelerate
the adoption of the technology," which I understand and seems reasonable
for us, too, and replaced it with "Advocate the inclusion of industry
standards to accelerate the adoption of the technology," which I don't
understand.  Do you mean inclusion of SW industry standards in O&G
business, or of O&G industry standards in SW?  And in either case, what
was on your mind?  I don't understand this one at all.


From: Chum, Frank Y 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:33 PM
Cc: Ivan Herman; Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler)
Subject: First draft - Mission for O&G Semantic Web Interest Group 




The mission of the Oil & Gas Industry Semantic Web Interest Group, as
part of the W3C Semantic Web Activity <> , is
to develop, advocate for, and support the use of Semantic Web
technologies for Oil & Gas exploration and production, reservoir
management, major capital projects, facility and downstream operations,
as well as knowledge and information management.  These domains stand to
gain tremendous benefit by adoption of Semantic Web technologies, as
they depend on the interoperability of information from many domains and
processes for efficient decision support.


The group will:

*         Document use cases to aid individuals in understanding the
business and technical benefits of using Semantic Web technologies.

*         Advocate the inclusion of industry standards to accelerate the
adoption of the technology. 

*         Implement a selection of the use cases as proof-of-concept

*         Explore the possibility of developing sharable high level
vocabularies, or adopt those that are industry standards.

*         Disseminate information about the group's work at industry,
academic, and government events.




Note that I have modeled this after the recently updated W3C Semantic
Web Health Care and Life Sciences (HCLS) Interest Group's
<>  mission.  


As Roger and I are proposing this under the auspices of W3C, we need to
discuss the appropriate participation guidelines also.


Your thoughts?




Received on Thursday, 26 March 2009 20:51:05 UTC