Re: is overloading of leftOperand possible using dataType pertaining to rightOperand ?

Hi Sridhar…. keep up the questions… it's all good !

I think I (may now) understand more what your use case is trying to do now…

You want to constraint the use (play) of the Asset to be delivered by “video on demand” and the (asset) format must be “amg:dc”.

I think you then need to put these two constraints explicitly in the Target and the Permission.

Something like this:

    a odrl:Set ;
    odrl:permission [ 
        odrl:action odrl:play ;
        odrl:target [
            rdf:type odrl:AssetCollection ;
            odrl:source <> ;
            odrl:refinement [
                odrl:leftOperand dc:format ;
                odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
                odrl:rightOperand amg:dc ;
        odrl:constraint [
            odrl:leftOperand odrl:deliveryChannel ;
            odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
            odrl:rightOperand <> ;

This assumes that the asset (with source identifier) has multiple formats available.

I hope this helps…

Cheers - Renato

Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2024 03:45:31 UTC