- From: Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) <Nicholas.Car@csiro.au>
- Date: Fri, 3 May 2019 00:45:29 +0000
- To: "Michael Steidl (NIT)" <mwsteidl@newsit.biz>, 'Renato Iannella' <r@iannel.la>, "public-odrl@w3.org" <public-odrl@w3.org>
- CC: "andrea.perego@ec.europa.eu" <andrea.perego@ec.europa.eu>, 'Rob Atkinson' <rob@metalinkage.com.au>
- Message-ID: <53233D1D-C0EB-46F5-B129-707F556B8C7B@csiro.au>
Hi Michael, Thanks for doing this since usage like this is what we need to improve PROF! Hopefully the process has been useful for you too… Some responses to your questions: * The resources of the ODRL Core profile are blank nodes, while the resources for another ODRL profile are in a corresponding namespace. Both is ok? * Sure: the graph associations in the RDF don’t care * I suggest to use dct:issued with all profile resources – e.g. in spec documents typos could be fixed and this results in a later issue date than the vocabulary * Agreed. Our guide for ‘dataset/document type’ properties is to use whatever DCAt uses or whatever is common in your domain * A big issue is the URI of an ODRL profile and versions of the profile: can a PROF profile only have single resource with the e.g. role:specification, or multiple with different hasArtifact URLs and different versions (versionInfo). * Multiple! There’s no restriction on Profile’s hasResource or the numbers or types of Roles of ReseourceDescriptors. I’ve used Profiles with multiple ResourceDescriptors with role Specification before * I imagine that within a domain/system, a set of particular ResoureDescripts could be required, such as all W3C Recs having a Guidance and a Specification ResourceDescriptor, so you could profile PROF to make such constraints. * Or is it required, also by ODRL considerations, to have a specific URI for each version of a profile – in this case we would need a new URI for the next version of ODRL Core. * Clearly an ODRL choice… * Finally: an ODRL profile has this document defining it and this document may be published as web resource. But how to let people know about it – an ODRL Policy has only the ODRL profile URI. Should this document be responded when requesting the ODRL Profile URI if it is a URL? * Can you please rephrase the question? I can’t be sure if there’s something for me/PROF here about relating instance data to the profiles they conform to or if this is purely an ODRL matter. > I suggest to have a quick look into this draft at the ODRL call on Monday, 6 May. I’d like to join the call again too, if I may. A couple of notes on your RDF formulation: * dct:format/dct:conformsTo * you’ve used pairs like this: dct:format <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/html> ; dct:conformsTo <https://www.w3.org/TR/html/> . But this adds no real value since using the HTML format implies/require conformance to HTML, the spec. Better might be something like this: For the _:1 ResourceDescriptor of http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/core: dct:format <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/html> ; dct:conformsTo <https://www.w3.org/standards/>. Ok, I haven’t found a good URI yes to describe what the HTML doc conforms to but I’m trying to indicate here it’s the specification of W3C’s Recommendation, rather than the syntactic specification of HTML which you’ve already conveyed with dct:format. We will be making heavy use of things conforming to W3C Recs of course so I’d like to work out the best URI to use here for many instances. * publisher * You’ve used dct:publisher "W3C" ; & dct:publisher "IPTC - International Press Telecommunications Council" ; * Could you perhaps use something like: * DC: dc:publisher "W3C" ; & dct:publisher "IPTC - International Press Telecommunications Council" ; * and DCT: dct:publisher <https://www.w3.org/> ; & dct:publisher <https://iptc.org/> ; * Or some other, better, URI to indicate publisher with dct and the textual representation of publisher with just the dc version of the term? Just one of my small attempts to move to URIs rather than text! Please feel free to describe any further roles for ResourceDescriptors if you feel you need them and we can grow the Roles vocab! Cheers, Nick From: "Michael Steidl (NIT)" <mwsteidl@newsit.biz> Date: Friday, 3 May 2019 at 2:57 am To: 'Renato Iannella' <r@iannel.la>, "public-odrl@w3.org" <public-odrl@w3.org> Cc: Nicholas Car <Nicholas.Car@csiro.au>, "andrea.perego@ec.europa.eu" <andrea.perego@ec.europa.eu>, Rob Atkinson <rob@metalinkage.com.au> Subject: RE: RightsML in PROF Hi all, I’ve used Renato’s ODRL Profile template - https://github.com/w3c/odrl/blob/master/core-profile/odrl-profile-template.ttl - for the ODRL profile of IPTC’s RightsML 2.0. Its draft 01 of resides at https://www.iptc.org/std-dev/RightsML/2.0/odrl-profile-RightsML_2.0-draft01.ttl Working on that raised a few questions and comments: * The resources of the ODRL Core profile are blank nodes, while the resources for another ODRL profile are in a corresponding namespace. Both is ok? * I suggest to use dct:issued with all profile resources – e.g. in spec documents typos could be fixed and this results in a later issue date than the vocabulary * A big issue is the URI of an ODRL profile and versions of the profile: can a PROF profile only have single resource with the e.g. role:specification, or multiple with different hasArtifact URLs and different versions (versionInfo). Or is it required, also by ODRL considerations, to have a specific URI for each version of a profile – in this case we would need a new URI for the next version of ODRL Core. * Finally: an ODRL profile has this document defining it and this document may be published as web resource. But how to let people know about it – an ODRL Policy has only the ODRL profile URI. Should this document be responded when requesting the ODRL Profile URI if it is a URL? I suggest to have a quick look into this draft at the ODRL call on Monday, 6 May. Thanks, Michael From: Renato Iannella <r@iannel.la> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:11 PM To: Michael Steidl (NIT) <mwsteidl@newsit.biz> Cc: Nicholas.Car@csiro.au; Jaroslav Pullmann <jaroslav.pullmann@fit.fraunhofer.de>; andrea.perego@ec.europa.eu; Rob Atkinson <rob@metalinkage.com.au> Subject: Re: RightsML in PROF Sure, added 2.2 On 17 Apr 2019, at 22:51, Michael Steidl (NIT) <mwsteidl@newsit.biz<mailto:mwsteidl@newsit.biz>> wrote: Ok, a good starting point. This should be considered: versioning of profiles. http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/core is "The ODRL Core Profile" – in fact “The ODRL 2.2 Core Profile”. I guess a next version of ODRL (2.3 or 3.0) will define additional Things and therefore “The ODRL 2.3 Core Profile” will be different from the “The ODRL 2.2 Core Profile”. Should this be expressed by different URIs of the profile? (I know, IPTC has no planned versioning of RightsML Profile URIs …) Best, Michael From: Renato Iannella <r@iannel.la<mailto:r@iannel.la>> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 2:25 PM To: Michael Steidl (NIT) <mwsteidl@newsit.biz<mailto:mwsteidl@newsit.biz>>; Nicholas.Car@csiro.au<mailto:Nicholas.Car@csiro.au> Cc: Jaroslav Pullmann <jaroslav.pullmann@fit.fraunhofer.de<mailto:jaroslav.pullmann@fit.fraunhofer.de>>; andrea.perego@ec.europa.eu<mailto:andrea.perego@ec.europa.eu>; Rob Atkinson <rob@metalinkage.com.au<mailto:rob@metalinkage.com.au>> Subject: Re: RightML in PROF On 17 Apr 2019, at 22:15, Michael Steidl (NIT) <mwsteidl@newsit.biz<mailto:mwsteidl@newsit.biz>> wrote: Is this what you, Renato, meant with “flesh it out”? I created a (draft) template for describing ODRL Profiles. See here: https://github.com/w3c/odrl/blob/master/core-profile/odrl-profile-template.ttl Renato
Received on Friday, 3 May 2019 00:46:13 UTC