RE: Profiles Ontology

Hi Renato,

OK, I’ll try and attend the next ODRL teleconf. I guess that’s a casual 10pm Feb 4th, Brisbane time!

Cheers and talk then,


From: Renato Iannella <>
Sent: Friday, 4 January 2019 1:44 PM
To: Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) <>
Cc: Group <>; Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) <>; Rob Atkinson <>
Subject: Re: Profiles Ontology

Hi Nick - that is great to see ODRL already being used as an example.

Our next teleconf is 4 Feb 12:00UTC and we will discuss then (if you can make it, that would be great!)

I saw the Profile Ontology as it was in the weekly W3C news bulletin :-)

Cheers - Renato

On 2 Jan 2019, at 08:01, Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) <<>> wrote:

Hi Renato,

In our paper introducing the ontology for the Extended Semantic Web Conference in Slovenia in June, we have included an examples section addressing modelling of ODRL2 already! That bit’s not in the FPWD but will be in the 2nd PWD. When we have it written in to the space doc, I’ll make sure to let you know.

In addition to the ontology doc, there is the emerging Guidance doc that’s now quite up to FPWD [1]. That doc, which we are Woking on for the FOWD push now, should also be informed by ODRL so I’ll ask you for thought there too.

How did you come by the Profiles Ont by the way? We haven’t deliberately reached out yet for comment but I’d like to know how word gets around.




Nicholas Car
Senior Experimental Scientist
CSIRO<> | 0477 560 177

On 1 Jan 2019, at 9:43 pm, Renato Iannella <<>> wrote:
Dear CG, the W3c has released an editors draft of the “Profiles Ontology” [1] described as:

" The Profiles Ontology is an RDF vocabulary to describe profiles of (one or more) standards for information resources. It describes the general pattern of narrowing the scope of a specification with additional, but consistent, constraints, and is particularly relevant to data exchange situations where conformance to such profiles is expected and carries additional context. The Profiles Ontology enables profile descriptions to specify the role of resources related to data exchange such as schemas, ontologies, rules about use of controlled vocabularies, validation tools, and guidelines. The ontology may however be used to describe the role of artifacts in any situation where constraints are made on a the usage of more general specifications.”

This maybe useful in our work in defining ODRL Profiles [2].

It may also be a good use case for them  to use to "test” its applicability to an existing standard (hint, hint Nic and Simon ;-)

Happy Hew Year!




Received on Friday, 4 January 2019 04:00:09 UTC