Notes of the ODRL Teleconf on 6 August

Notes of the ODRL CG teleconference held on 2018-08-06


Participants: Michael Steidl (moderator), Jeff Sedlik, David Filip


Going over the Issues on Github -


#2 + #3 Use Cases


JS: will provide some examples from the photo market.


DF: will ask industry contacts for example policies. This may take some


MS: this is a dynamic document which will evolve over time, new use cases
are welcome.




#5:  Update of CG home page

MS explained the current changes: a page for developers is currently build
by Victor, a list of profiles is updated by MS.

MS invited JS and DF to invite any party creating an ODRL profile to get is
registered there.

DF: there are some pending actions on creating profiles, e.g. based on EU


#6: covers errata

JS: will the POE repository be available in the future?

MS: yes.




Note on the participation: DF said that a call in the high holiday season in
Europe and North America is not very attractive. He hopes to get more of his
people at the calls in September and October.


Next calls: see

- 3 September at 12:00 UTC

- 1 October at 20:00 UTC



Gesendet von / sent by:

Michael W. Steidl (


Received on Monday, 6 August 2018 20:46:45 UTC