Re: Asset as superclass of Policy / Asset not superclass of Policy. Asset same as Thing.

Well, the current spec text is very clear to me.
But about this decision, I must be missing something, because I see it 
very clear. Both Mo:

    /"Therefore, I propose maintaining the sameAs relationship between
    Asset and owl:Thing, and instead modify the spec to define Asset as
    any thing to which an ODRL policy might be applied (and leave it to
    the evolution of society, legal frameworks, and so on, to decide
    what that might be at any given time: if somebody asserts that an
    ODRL policy applies which is unenforceable because one can't legally
    or morally apply it, it's no different to an unenforceable policy
    for any other reason).//"/

and Koblenz-Landau have a similar idea:

    "/If Asset isn't the same as Thing, the possible uses-cases of ODRL
    are restricted/"

If we make Asset the same as Thing, any class individual of any ontology 
on Earth becomes an Asset.
If we dont make Asset the same as Thing, we are not constraining 
absolutely any possibility (as long as we don't use "disjointAs")... 
Anything on Earth could be an Asset, if we declare it so, irrespective 
of the many other classes it can belong to.

El 26/07/2013 13:59, Mo McRoberts escribió:
> The text currently reads:
> “The Asset entity is aimed at identifying the content that is the subject of an ODRL policy, e.g. a media file or ebook. Furthermore, it can be used to represent other Asset entities that are needed to undertake the Policy expression, such as with the Duty entity. The Asset entity is referred to by the Permission and/or Prohibition entities, and also by the Duty entity.”
> I would perhaps add a statement to the effect of...
> “Where a particular expression of an ODRL policy takes the form of a vocabulary used within a broader context, Asset should be aligned with a generic class in that context. For example, the RDF expression of ODRL considers Asset to be equivalent to owl:Thing.”
> Feel free to adjust the words to suit!
> M.
> On  2013-Jul-22, at 06:03, Renato Iannella <> wrote:
>> On 16 Jul 2013, at 22:06, Mo McRoberts <> wrote:
>>> As it wasn't, Asset exists in the ontology as a compatibility shim and little more. I really think the spec text is where the adjustment ought to be made.
>> ok, we can update the Model spec (as we have a draft version update [1])...what is the best description for the Asset?
>> Cheers...
>> Renato Iannella
>> Semantic Identity
>> Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206
>> [1]
> --
> Mo McRoberts - Analyst - BBC Archive Development,
> Zone 1.08, BBC Scotland, 40 Pacific Quay, Glasgow G51 1DA,
> MC3 D6, Media Centre, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TQ,
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Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain
Tel. (+34) 91336 3672
Skype: vroddon3

Received on Friday, 26 July 2013 12:29:40 UTC