Re: Open Data Rights Statements

Dear Leigh,

I am glad to see that in the last few months a critical mass of interest 
for licensing Linked Data is being formed.

Besides a couple of analogous initiatives [1][2], the ODRL Community 
Group [3] is expected to publish an advanced draft during this month of 
July:  the OWL version of their ODRL v2 Core Model. Indeed, this upper 
vocabulary can support the existing licensing terms in common data 
licenses, either open and non-open.

Perhaps all these efforts might be aligned...


[1] L4LOD
[2] LiMO
[3] ODRL Community Group

El 02/07/2013 10:23, Leigh Dodds escribió:
> Hi,
> At the UK Open Data Institute we've been working on some guidance and
> a new vocabulary to help support the publication of machine-readable
> rights statements for open data. The vocabulary builds on existing
> work in this area (e.g. Dublin Core and Creative Commons) but
> addresses a few issues that we felt were underspecified.
> The vocabulary is intended to work in a wide variety of contexts, from
> simple JSON documents and data packaging formats through to Linked
> Data and Web APIs.
> The work is now at a stage where we're keen to get wider feedback from
> the community.
> You can read a background on the work in this introductory blog post
> on the UK ODI blog:
> The draft schema can be found here:
> And there are publisher and re-user guides to accompany it:
> We would love to hear your feedback on the work. If you do have issues
> or comments, then can I ask that you submit them as an issue to our
> github project:
> Thanks,
> L.
> --
> Leigh Dodds
> Freelance Technologist
> Open Data, Linked Data Geek
> t: @ldodds
> w:
> e:

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain
Tel. (+34) 91336 3672
Skype: vroddon3

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2013 10:33:34 UTC