- From: Tobias Christian Jensen <tcj@siteimprove.com>
- Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 13:00:49 +0000
- To: "public-nordic-accessibility@w3.org" <public-nordic-accessibility@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <MW3PR20MB33244B8EAAA2B5713B8F7751B9702@MW3PR20MB3324.namprd20.prod.outlook.com>
Hey folks, I hope everyone's doing great! Just a quick reminder about our next Nordic Accessibility Community Group session scheduled for Tuesday, January 23rd. 📅 We've got some intriguing and important topics lined up, especially ones we couldn't dive into during our last session. Your participation and insights are essential! If you can only join to listen in, that is also perfectly fine. 🔎 Topics on the agenda include: * Prioritizing Accessibility: Strategies and debunking myths around costs and responsibilities. [Raised by SN + SH + EGS] * Community Engagement: Boosting participation and creating an open calendar for accessibility events. [Raised by ATN + SN + TCJ + EGS] * Certification Discussion: Pros and cons of certifications like IAAP's CPACC and WAS. [Raised by EGS] * Target Audience: Who should our group cater to? Experts only or a broader audience? [Raised by ATN] * Recruitment and Expertise: Tips for hiring in accessibility and handling specific customer cases. [Raised by OPE] * Burnout and Well-being: Addressing work-related stress in our field. [Raised by NT] * Meeting Format Evaluation: Improving how we run our meetings. [Raised by TCJ] 💡 Even if you couldn't join last time, this is a perfect opportunity to catch up and contribute. We'll be collaborating in the document [https://res.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/docx_16x16.png] 2024-01-23 - Discussions.docx<https://siteimprove323-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/tcj_siteimprove_com/EUwny6wFujZLmR5ueDDuKq4BKnLr8nC7w3y0Ds94V1zDIg?e=UxdPju>. Feel free to drop in your thoughts there if you can't make it to the live session. Looking forward to some meaningful discussions and fresh perspectives. See you there, Tobias Christian Jensen Co-chair of the Nordic Accessibility Community Group
Received on Friday, 19 January 2024 13:00:59 UTC