Hi, fellow members of the Nordic Accessibility Community Group.
When the end of summer is approaching, we will meet once again as one big group to talk about the work we have done and plan for what we want this Community Group to be in the future.
Agenda for this meeting:
* Brief round where we in turns share what we think is a challenge to accessibility today
* A representative from each work group presents any progress made by their group:
* The Knowledge-Sharing Group:
* Group coordinator: Sander Nijsingh
* The “Accessibility on the Curriculum” Group:
* Group coordinator: Tobias Christian Jensen
* The Networking Group
* Group coordinator: Pär Lannerö
* What do we want to do with the Community Group from here?
* How can we attract more members?
While you don’t have to participate for the full 2 hours (feel free to join and leave when you have to), I hope many of you will come for this August 2023 session and help ensure that we will move in the right direction.
Best regards,
Tobias Christian Jensen
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