W3C Nordic Accessibility Community Group hybrid meeting

Dear Nordic Accessibility Community Group members,

Thank you for showing interest for the newly founded community!

We would like to invite you to a workshop defining goals and objectives for the community 22nd of September 14.00 CEST.
The meeting takes place in Teams link below, as well as physically at Sankt Annæ Plads 28, Copenhagen - 4th floor.

As preparation we'd kindly ask you to give it a thought of what your expectations for the community are. Our direction for the coming months will be defined by the attendees, in the meeting.

Please let us know if you are attending on-site by replying to this email by 31st of August.
If you attend on-site, the meeting will be followed up by a community event by the Danish Pro Web Accessibility (ProWA) network, including guest speakers, in the same location. You are more than welcome to stay. Snacks and refreshments will be served.
We want to make the meeting welcoming for everyone - If you need accommodation to attend or have questions around the event or location, please do not hesitate to let me know.

On behalf of the group,
Tobias Jensen and Inka Taagehøj
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Or call in (audio only)
+45 32 72 66 65,,404733271#<tel:+4532726665,,404733271#>   Denmark, All locations
Phone Conference ID: 404 733 271#
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Received on Friday, 1 July 2022 11:20:35 UTC