Closing the Community Group [via Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data Community Group]

Thank you all for being part of this journey but we need to move on. Next to a series of Question Answering over Linked Data events (, this CG also managed to publish several papers on Benchmarking Question Answering (a subpart of Natural Interface) over the Web data, e.g.

If you want to continue working or are interested to join other community groups, here is a list of related groups. 

Voice Interaction Community Group. (2016). W3C Community or Business Groups. Interfaces Community Group. (2019).W3C Community or Business Groups. Assistant Standardisation Community Group. (2018). W3C Community or Business Groups.

Thank you all! Ricardo


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'Closing the Community Group'

Learn more about the Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data Community Group:

Received on Friday, 16 August 2019 07:57:46 UTC