CfC on Charter extension

Hello All,

As planned in previous communication, this is a CfC to approve asking the W3C Director for a brief Charter extension to give the WG time to have a new Charter considered by the Advisory Committee and Director (see the text below).

If you have any comments or concerns about this CfC, please reply to this e-mail by end of day 2015-02-19 at the latest.
Silence will be considered as agreeing with the proposal and explicit responses are preferred.

Text of the request that would be sent to the Director (through Kazuyuki) if this is approved:

The NFC WG Charter expired on 1 November 2014.   The previous, low level API that was to use the new SysApp model for a runtime and security did not attract enough interest and participation to continue that approach. The WG has moved in a new direction for a Web NFC API that would be appropriate for use in Web Browsers, with appropriate security and privacy for use on the Web.  The new approach was inspired by what the W3C Web Bluetooth CG is attempting and is described in a draft Charter the WG is developing [1].  An initial draft is being developed[2].   The WG requests a brief extension until 15 April 2015 to have enough time to have the proposed new Charter considered by the Advisory Committee and Director.  If that new Charter is not approved, the WG would likely ask for another extension to either try again or to work on moving the spec to a Community Group.


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Received on Thursday, 12 February 2015 11:21:43 UTC