Re: Feedback on the Web NFC API Public Draft

Hi Don, Hi Luc,

DC> Adding NDEFRecordExternal is a good idea. I'm also considering
DC> NDEFRecordAbsoluteURI, which could be used for things like
DC> Windows LaunchApp records.

I think this is a good idea, as long as it is made clear that an
absolute URI type record uses the URI as its type name and does not
convey the URI as its payload (that's a huge mistake that happend on
Android and leads to lots of confusion). Also if the Windows LaunchApp
record should be supported, an API implementation needs to be quite
tolerat to syntax errors as the LaunchApp URI is *not* a propery
formatted URI according to the NFC Forum RTD specifications.

DC> For #3 "unknown" in NDEFRecordType: I'd like to remove
DC> NDEFRecordType and rely on TNF and Payload Type if possible.
DC> (NDEF has enough types already.)

Makes sense to me.

LY> Points 4 and 5 - that's a possibility, though it could also be left
LY> to error handling.

DC> For #4, Android has good support for tag meta info, so this could be
DC> very useful. My experience with Windows is the Proximity API only
DC> give you NDEF data and not tag info. Are there other APIs I'm
DC> missing?

As far as I understood the Windows Proximity API there is a property
MaxMessageBytes of the ProximityDevice, so it should be possible to
retrieve the maximum size for an NDEF message that fits on a tag. Though
I have not tested that yet.


Dr. Michael Roland
Research Associate | NFC Research Lab Hagenberg
School of Informatics/Communications/Media

*University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria*
*FH OÖ Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH*
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Received on Friday, 7 February 2014 12:04:53 UTC