Re: [css-experimental] catch-all place for new spec ideas

On 21/05/2014 13:34 , Brian Kardell wrote:
> I agree with the concept about idea vs official.  I'd like to suggest
> perhaps we think bigger.. This isn't unique to CSS, and its something
> several of us in <>
> (the Extensible Web CG) have discussed a bit... We really need to figure
> out a way as a community to progress from idea to rec where we expect
> ideas (and even prollyfills and polyfills) to flourish and rise or
> fail.. providing a vision for how developers can find submissions in the
> w3c queue (like these) as well  as quickly understand their status seems
> like a necessary ingredient (official, but experimental here - we have
> unofficial on github examples before that already).. It would be a
> really awesome thing if CSSWG would help lead the charge in helping to
> make a proposal to figure that out-set an example and begin the
> discussion.  <3

I just set up Specifiction (a Discourse instance) precisely for that 
sort of purpose. It's really simple for the broader community to join 
and participate in, and is dedicated to open discussions about 
standards. I'm happy to make tweaks or whatever to make it work better.

You're certainly all welcome to use it for CSS ideas:

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 21 May 2014 15:22:06 UTC