Re: help wanted with <sub-head> custom elmenent

On 5 May 2014 17:00, Marcos <> wrote:

> Apart from nits (your tabs/spaces are all over the place - makes code hard
> to review), the implementation  looks very simple. I think the "sub-head"
> thing might confuse people (as "sub-" is the, um, "namespace")... maybe
> call it 'x-subhead' or 'w3c-subhead'.

gotcha, will fix tabs etc and give the naming convention some thought

> I don't see the stuff you mention in the reply to Francois in the
> implementation - I also don't see those things in the spec.

need to udpate spec, I am polyfilling the role description (it's based an
aria property currently being discussed [1]) by inserting a text prefix at
the start of the subheading "sub-heading:" I would like provide a
localization of the text keyed to an ancestor lang attribute declaration.

I need to explain in spec about how the implementation differs (expression
of acc role/properties differ) when <subhead> is a child or sibling

> I think you should make the implementation inherit from HTMLElement, but
> have a HTMLSubHeadElement interface. This is to make it easy to add things
> in the future.





HTML 5.1 <>

Received on Monday, 5 May 2014 17:40:20 UTC