Re: Submitting forms as JSON

On 25/02/2014 20:15 , Steve Klabnik wrote:
> One thing that's lacking from application/x-www-form-urlencoded is
> diff semantics, which limits the ability of its usage with PATCH.
> application/json does not have diff semantics directly, I wonder if
> they could be included here?

PATCH semantics would be useful, but I think that that's an orthogonal 
layer to define. It should be possible to write a specification such 
that if the method is PATCH and the enctype is application/json, then 
only the modified values are taken into account, and transmitted using 
JSON Patch. It would be interesting, but I'd do it in a separate 
document as it's a largely orthogonal functionality.

You could theoretically also make it work for other enctypes, but you'd 
need those to have a well-defined manner of expressing patches, which is 
even more work.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 3 March 2014 14:09:04 UTC