RE: HTML Elements as Custom Elements

This is amazing work, Dmitri. I am really excited to continue thinking about and working on this direction. I especially appreciate your opening notes around the larger issues.

I think it'd be cool if you created this as a GitHub repo, so that people could open issues for further focused discussion, send pull requests, etc. What do you think of that plan?

From: Dimitri Glazkov <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 14:40
To: List;
Cc: Alex Russell; Anne van Kesteren; Yehuda Katz
Subject: HTML Elements as Custom Elements

Hello, TAG!

As discussed at our meeting last week, I started digging into reimagining HTML elements as custom elements.

At first blush, it looks like a bunch API design work. But <insert iraqi information minister pic> don't panic, I think we can cover a lot of ground if we first start with the simpler elements, like HTMLMarqueeElement.

PRs/forks are always welcome, as well as any ideas on how to structure this project.


Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2014 19:09:10 UTC