Re: Everyone Closer To DOM Level 4


sorry for not responding sooner, i was traveling and am way behind.  Have
you pushed this out anywhere or blogged about it or anything? filed any
bugs? ttwf submissions? i will look at this some more tomorrow but on first
pass looks interesting.
On Oct 3, 2013 9:32 PM, "Andrea Giammarchi" <>

> This polyfill has been teste against any sort of new or old browsers
> including IE8 (yes, you read that correctly) and Nokia ASHA Xpress Browser,
> passing through webOS, FirefoxOS, iOS 5.1 and above, IE9 Mobile up to 11
> Desktop, and every single browser I could try.
> The surprising part of doing this polyfill was discovering few
> inconsistencies between modern browsers and absent implementations of such
> W3C API which is not bad at all, I would say, and it has tested trying to
> respect as much as possible all specs.
> What am I talking about?
>    - Element#prepend()
>    - Element#append()
>    - Element#before()
>    - Element#after()
>    - Element#replace()
>    - Element#remove()
>    - Element#classList
>    - CustomEvent constructor
> First to Element#classList are almost absent everywhere while
> Element#classList is broken in iOS 5.1 and Nokia ASHA not accepting
> multiple arguments with methods such add() and remove() and not respecting
> all rules defined for toggle().
> Last, but not least, there are still browsers out there that do not
> support CustomEvent including IE10 (probably 11 too) that requires an
> initCustomEvent over a document.createEvent('CustomEvent') call.
> This is one of my best contribution to have a more standard Web and move
> forward bringing DOM Level 4 API that makes the usage of libraries mostly
> redundant.
> I hope you'll appreciate the effort.
> Here the repo:
> It requires conditional comments for IE8 only through:
> It has been tested out there in real IE8 browsers (not the simulated one)
> and is green.
> The test suite is here:
> If it's red might be your browser does not respect standards so please let
> me know and I'll fix that.
> Best Regards,
>     Andrea Giammarchi

Received on Sunday, 6 October 2013 13:13:19 UTC