
Hey Everyone,

Recently I spoke to Tab Atkins after some things came up regarding adding
set based APIs in ECMA on a different list - clint and I drafted out an
idea way, way back with Hitchjs prior to all of this which proposed adding
rich logical combinators to CSS since rules always operate on a set of
matching nodes, it feels like a logical fit.  Tab seemed to agree that we
should post a proposal to the list.

I've been putting it off for a few days since I've been busy and haven't
had time to get things in order.  I quickly wrote up this blog post which I
haven't publicized at all... In it I mention the Hitch based prollyfill.
 It's pretty unofficial and we have no formal draft, but since it's pretty
early goings I wanted to see if anyone wanted to comment on that before I
sent to www-style.

What say you?

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Received on Thursday, 7 March 2013 01:49:07 UTC