Re: Reviewing the querySelectorLive prollyfill

> > Hi there,
> >
> > I'm looking for friendly web angels who are okay reviewing the 1st 
> > iteration of my live querySelectorAll prollyfill:
> Simple point of confusion (sorry I'm missing some context), isn't this a 
> polyfill and not a prollyfill?

If I was implementing querySelectorAll, yes.

I'm actually implementing a modified version which "listen" to a selector 
and dispatch events when new elements match, or old elements stop to match.

> I don't see the source code, only the demo HTML file, README, and a couple 
> dot-files. Did you check the source in somewhere else?

For now, I put everything in the HTML file (ie: inline scripts). I'm working 
on splitting that just now :-)

> I guess it depends whether you intend this to patch prototypes or actually 
> provide a different entry point from querySelectorAll.

I'm more concerned about the other things I use in my prollyfill like the 
Event Streams, I don't want to pollute the global namespace but maybe they 
could be useful for other projects as well. 

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2013 16:02:47 UTC