Re: Web Wishes

On 01/07/2013 11:54 , François REMY wrote:
> The problem is that you make the assumption the image editor is an HTML
> page. Most moderns operating systems will probably want to hook native
> apps into this system, which you probably can't embed in an IFRAME nor
> communicate with using postMessage.

No, it can in fact be anything so long as it can be embedded. If you're 
going to drive an external app it will need to have a way of 
communicating with the page anyway, which'll require code. From there to 
embedability may not be such a huge bridge (depending on the platform).

Say if you're embedding Photoshop to edit an image with it, then the 
embed page just shows the picture and Photoshop is launched as usual. 
(And you can get it to cooperate without it knowing it by watching the 
file and sending events every time it's saved — imperfect but hey, we 
have to work in steps.)

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 1 July 2013 10:20:36 UTC