RE: Modulo in the web idl spec

Hi all,

I think I understood how browser proceed to convert an ECMAScript object to an octet (assume no attributes like [Clamp] or [EnforceRange] were specified). 

  function toOctet(input) {

    // convert into a number
    var nbr = +input;

    // abort non-integers numbers
    if(Number.isNaN(nbr) || Number.isInfinite(nbr)) return 0;

    // extract the lowest-order bits
    return nbr & 255;


which can be simplified as just

  function toOctet(input) {

    return +input & 255;


(I tested, that works okay even for NaN and +/- Infinity)

Can we get the spec clarified? We would like to be sure our implementation is correct.

PS: performance test:

> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 19:24:46 +0100
> Subject: Modulo in the web idl spec
> Hi,
> Marcos Caceres seemed quite confused about the modulo used in the web idl spec. I said him that he could use the % symbol of ECMAScript to perform the operation even if that was not a true modulo, because this is what the spec seems to imply. Can you confirm me it is indeed the case?
> Right now, I must admit I'm a bit confused too because I ran the following test in all modern browsers (Chrome Canary, Aurora, Opera Snapshots and IE10) and it returned the result I would expect from a true modulo, not from the JS one:
> >> t = new ArrayBuffer(1)
> >> v = new DataView(t)
> >> v.setUint8(0,-1)
> >> v.getUint8(0)
> 255
> It would probably be good to actually clarify which modulo is actually used by browsers and use that one in the spec?
> Best regards,
> François
> [PS] The definition of setUint8 is as follows:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> void setUint8(unsigned long byteOffset, octet value);
> --------------------------------------------------------------- 		 	   		  

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2013 14:13:39 UTC