Re: [WebIDL] AMD/Require.js

On 08/01/2013, at 5:18 PM, Clint Hill <> wrote:

> Yes - if we transpile down to code that has no dependency on
> RequireJS/Almond - I'm cool.

That's totally the goal. 

> On 1/8/13 10:16 AM, "François REMY" <> wrote:
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> CC:
>>> Subject: Re: [WebIDL] AMD/Require.js
>>> Ok - so with that in mind will we also force Require.js as a dependency
>>> to
>>> all prollyfills? Right now all of the modules are wrapped in AMD.
>>> Or will we look to break-apart the AMD modules during build (seems wonky
>>> if we were to do that)?
>> I think we do confuse two things here:
>> - the "WebIDL translator" which we are building right now (and which can,
>> why not, rely on RequireJS) and
>> - the "translated" code that will be used as a startup for the
>> polyfill/prolyfill.
>> The generated code should not depend on any library, just on native
>> things. That the transpiler requires a library however doesn't worry me
>> too much, if that make it handy for us.
>>> I mention all of this because while I'm a huge fan of AMD/Require.js and
>>> have built a framework based on it - I also know that for a larger
>>> adoption you should probably avoid it due to the dependency it creates.
>>> This is the only niggle I have with merging this pull request. I'd be
>>> happier if the AMD wrapping were done during build and not coded into
>>> source files.
>> My previous remark in mind, do you still think we should avoid RequireJS
>> for the compiler or make it optional in some way?
>>> On 1/8/13 10:05 AM, "Marcos Caceres" <> wrote:
>>>> On 08/01/2013, at 4:15 PM, Clint Hill <> wrote:
>>>>> Team: I've got a quick question about the intentions with WebIDL &
>>>>> AMD/Require.js. Do we intend that others would use it in that
>>> condition
>>>>> or would we create a "build" script to concat the whole thing into 1
>>>>> source file?
>>>> Yep, single file. Multiple files right now is to keep development
>>>> organised/sane.
>>>>> My concern would be that it will become a very chatty library and be
>>> a
>>>>> non-starter for some prollyfills.
>>>> Yes, that would suck.
>>>>> Clint

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2013 17:21:40 UTC