Re: <main>

On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Clint Hill wrote:

> What I meant was that I would (at first blush and with no knowledge of prollyfills) extend the current shims that provide support for header/footer/article etc. Extend it so that <main> is recognized and add the hooks for ARIA and keystroke capture etc.
> Having said all that - I completely agree with Brian's points below. And with that I see this _could_ be a prollyfill solution. I will say that I stand corrected in that this for sure is prollyfill by definition. My point about polyfill is simply as I said - given no prollyfill tooling I'd extend the polyfill that already exists.
> Does that make sense while providing no benefit? :)

makes sense to me… however, what do you really get from this? does it translate as follows:   

<main> …</main>

become in the DOM:   

<div style="display:block" aria-role="main" ...> … </div>?  

Kinda interested to learn what tag polyfillers do. 

Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 16:47:48 UTC