- From: Clint Hill <clint.hill@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 11:07:24 -0700
- To: Brian Kardell <bkardell@gmail.com>
- Cc: "public-nextweb@w3.org" <public-nextweb@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <B8DA0CC2-5A15-41E6-86C7-AFF0C66C9D9C@gmail.com>
I think as process is concerned I would love to see a semi-formal registration for authors. Nothing obligating but rather like setting up a github repo. Some way to put on prollyfill.org a "name" to the thing they are prollyfilling. Most package systems have this registration idea (CPAN, RubyGems, NPM) and I think it starts with a manifest file. A very simple file/format that allows an author to put a name, description and attribution to the prollyfill. With the manifest file in place, we can then hook and wire to the "framework" (as previously discussed with WebIDL) idea and provide infrastructure to the prollyfill. Client tools can be built to help "build" or "install" the prollyfill to the social architecture as well. Client tools would look like the tools provided by Heroku, OpenShift and Parse.com (I've used these a lot lately and there is a ton of gold in examples there - can explain more later). In my opinion: If I were to author a prollyfill right now I would imagine I'd want to put it on to a larger registry for others to see and consume (vote on?). The way I'd imagine doing that is with some form of registering with the prollyfill.org platform. Once I'm on that platform I'd be given tools to help me author (API/Framework) and and help me publicize. process == register && author && hookToPlatform && socialize; Clint On Nov 18, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Brian Kardell <bkardell@gmail.com> wrote: > I'd like to discuss how we go from 0 to something on these. > > Most ideas originate with a couple of use cases and maybe a gist or poc github repo or blog entry to be discussed on this list. Some ideas may influence existing ones or be joined up - but I think we need to eventually create drafts that we can evolve and potentially eventually submit. Francois has info on where those templates are and everything - and I am wondering if anyone has ideas on a basic/practical process so we can get the ball rolling. > > Given a few initial proposals, and working through a few discussions I think should give us the opportunity to set things up in a sensible way - I'd like to hear what everyone thinks is a good place to begin. > > Brian Kardell :: @bkardell :: hitchjs.com >
Received on Sunday, 18 November 2012 18:07:53 UTC