Re: Posted

Thanks. I'm not a native English speaker so I make a lot of such typos, this 
is always nice to get them fixed ;-)
I also followed your advices on the unclear sentences.

-----Message d'origine----- 
From: Marcos Caceres
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 10:50 PM
To: François REMY
Subject: Re: Posted

Hi François,
Looking good and makes sense… review of the first part:

"forced to stop to support Flash on mobile"

Should be:
"forced to stop supporting Flash on mobile"

and are were not done in a forward-compatible way.

Should be:
"and were not done in a forward-compatible way."

Should the following:
"Libraries like jQuery reminds us it’s still easy enough to work with the 
native DOM libraries for most developers."

Be maybe changed to:
"Libraries like jQuery remind us that it's still a challenge to work with 
the native DOM interfaces."

"fast as a standard native code"

should be:
"fast as standard native code"

too high-levels >  too high-level

Question: CSS Grids is an API?

"you were forced to mess up with the other’s features" > "you messed up 
other's features"

A lot of work still need to be done in order to allow > A lot of work still 
needs to be done in order to allow

>From "This is why we launched a while back",  maybe remove "a while back" as 
it seems like it happened a long time ago.

You say "to create an environment that plays nicely with polyfill authors", 
but it's ambiguous what you mean by "environment".

"and that allow us" > "and that allows us"

This is ambiguous: "At nExt Web" (I thought maybe that was a conference or 
something). Maybe say "In the next web," or "In the web we are building for 
the future" or something similar.

I think this is a big claim: ", never break."

Marcos Caceres

On Saturday, 17 November 2012 at 21:28, François REMY wrote:

> Here's my attempt on the same subject (I take a sligly different approach 
> to
> the question, which is probably more metaphysical than really pragmatic).
> Comments/feedback are welcome ;-)

Received on Saturday, 17 November 2012 22:03:55 UTC