- From: Brian Kardell <bkardell@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 11:46:08 -0500
- To: Marcos Caceres <w3c@marcosc.com>
- Cc: "public-nextweb@w3.org" <public-nextweb@w3.org>, Chris Wilson <cwilso@google.com>
- Message-ID: <CADC=+jfrsp4H18MBCE5CvEs4kg5x6OmmSmgbWpyS4Mze=4uuKQ@mail.gmail.com>
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Marcos Caceres <w3c@marcosc.com> wrote: > Hi Brian, > > On, December 20, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Brian Kardell wrote: > > > Given the discussion yesterday (beginning here[1]) I'd like to open up > for group discussion: > > > > 1) how we'd make Chris' WebMIDIAPI[2] fit the discussion above to be a > prollyfill according to the definitions I think we've agreed to. It seems > to me that according to the draft, most of it is available through the > navigator object via navigator.requestMIDIAccess. > I think Chris' solution is serving as a "reference implementation" for the > Web MIDI API (this is distinctly different to a prollyfill or polyfill). As > such, it's in a difficult position in that it has to primarily serve the > needs of the Web Audio Working Group: the needs are mainly to do with > sanity checking the usability and implementability of the API, and enabling > verification of tests when the group starts doing conformance testing. > > So, I would not be in favor in asking Chris to change his implementation. > > However, my own version of the API (which does not follow the spec) is > more in line with a prollyfill. I'd be happy to change mine to become a > prollyfill proper. > Chris is actually working on joining the group, so I suppose let's see what he says - but either way that isn't super important to me as much as just getting something at this level where we can say "that's a prollyfill because it...." Once we have a few of these, more will fall out quickly and easily. > > > > Would this be as simple as changing that to xRequestMIDIAccess, or would > (likely IMO) you really want the objects returned to be prefixed as well so > that it is fairly obvious in the code what you are doing? > > Kinda… for this API that might be ok. Some parts cannot be prefixed > because they extend host objects (e.g., MIDIEvent). > > > This is exactly the part of the discussion that i think is worth having. If you xRequest - do you get MIDIEvent or xMIDIEvent... If you get the later, then what you describe is not so much a problem, right? > > 2) Whether there are future common bits (like window.performance.now) > which we'd also like to consider how to make available easily for things > like this - and what form(s) might those take to make it both easy and > light for authors of prollyfills. > > Ok, so again we come back to Clint's discussion… Performance is a "W3C > Recommendation" as of "17 December 2012", so that's now "polyfill". No need > to prefix. > > No - that's exactly what I mean actually - a friendly way to mix them together nicely so it's easy to build and track that stuff... > -- > Marcos Caceres Thursday > > > > -- Brian Kardell :: @briankardell :: hitchjs.com
Received on Thursday, 20 December 2012 16:46:36 UTC