
Given the discussion yesterday (beginning here[1]) I'd like to open up for
group discussion:

1) how we'd make Chris' WebMIDIAPI[2] fit the discussion above to be a
prollyfill according to the definitions I think we've agreed to.  It seems
to me that according to the draft, most of it is available through the
navigator object via navigator.requestMIDIAccess.

Would this be as simple as changing that to xRequestMIDIAccess, or would
(likely IMO) you really want the objects returned to be prefixed as well so
that it is fairly obvious in the code what you are doing?

2) Whether there are future common bits (like window.performance.now) which
we'd also like to consider how to make available easily for things like
this - and what form(s) might those take to make it both easy and light for
authors of prollyfills.

1.  http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-nextweb/2012Dec/0052.html
2.  https://github.com/cwilso/WebMIDIAPIShim

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell :: hitchjs.com

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2012 16:14:27 UTC