Re: Web MIDI polyfill

On Monday, December 17, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Chris Wilson wrote:
> I went through event dispatching, trying to find an example that wasn't dispatching on a DOM element, and couldn't find one; after thinking through the implications, I couldn't come up with a reason that building my own would have negative implications, and it seemed much easier (and lower overhead) than creating a fake element. I could easily be wrong, but I was trying to think about it, at least. :) 

Ok, I remember now what had screwed me in the past: I'd tried to extend DOMEvent and then tried to dispatch that as an event. like:

function MyCustomEvent(){}
MyCustomEvent.prototype = new DOMEvent();
var e = new MyCustomEvent(); 

Of course, that fails spectacularly (though it shouldn't if Host Objects were not magical). 

So, I'm really sorry Chris for making you waste time thinking about that.  

Marcos Caceres

Received on Monday, 17 December 2012 20:14:56 UTC