- From: François REMY <francois.remy.dev@outlook.com>
- Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 21:33:03 +0100
- To: Mat Scales <mat@wibbly.org.uk>, "public-nextweb@w3.org" <public-nextweb@w3.org>
> When thinking up this list I used this as my idea of what the groups > objectives are: "To help third-party developers to shape future web > standards by creating working implementations of new ideas, used in the > wild, without requiring native support. To provide the resources, > support and community neccessary for this work. To evangelize this > process, and to advocate for successful implementations to be adopted > as web standards. To lobby standards groups and browser manufacturers > to include APIs and features that make the work possible." I think this is a good description. However, when I see the prolyfill list, I just want to clarify that we'll probably not work on many actual prolyfill on the list, but more on the tools/guidelines needed to write them. Our role is not to develop a parallel "de facto standardization" group, just to make it possible to create and evangelize them. Naturally, that doesn't mean we should not work on some prolyfills to play with the concept, make some fun, and make our own developer work easier (in fact, I think we'll, because we like that) but that should not become our goal, it should stay an aside. François
Received on Tuesday, 4 December 2012 20:33:36 UTC