Fwd: Web & Networks recharter draft proposal: review

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Sujet :  Web & Networks recharter draft proposal: review
Date :  Mon, 3 Jul 2023 10:29:58 +0000
De :  Divakaran, Sudeep <sudeep.divakaran@intel.com>

Dear WNIG Members,

In our last IG meeting, we took the action to extend the current IG 
charter to enable discussion on potential new areas of focus and also 
initiate efforts to draft a recharter proposal. Meeting #24 minutes are 
available here [1]. The Web & Networks IG charter has been extended till 
31^st October 2023.

The key areas of focus that were highlighted are next generation telecom 
standards, network efficiency & sustainability, QoE enablers and explore 
new web application use-cases that can leverage edge computing and 
peer-to-peer/multi-cast networking. Based on inputs received, we have 
created a draft recharter proposal which is available at:


If you would like to see the changes made wrt. to the current charter, 
you can use the below link:


On behalf of the WNIG Chairs, I would like to request IG members to 
review the draft proposal. If you would like contribute or share 
comments/feedback, you could either

   * create Github Issue using the link
   * or send your inputs via email or start a thread, by sending it to
     member-networks-ig@w3.org <mailto:member-networks-ig@w3.org>

Looking forward to your valuable inputs to shape the WNIG recharter 



Co-Chair Web & Networks IG

On behalf of Co-Chairs Dan Druta and Song Xu.



Received on Tuesday, 4 July 2023 07:58:17 UTC