Hi all,
This is an invite to the 2nd Web & Networks Interest Group Meeting.
Based on the Doodle results [1], we will schedule the second teleconference [2] of the Web & Networks Interest Group on:
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Time: 2:00-3:00pm Greenwich Time (GMT)
Proposed agenda:
* Principles for Web and Networks solutions (By Dan Druta, co-chair of IG)
* Use cases development (By Song Xu & Sudeep, co-chairs of IG)
- Methodology and some examples
* Liaisons review (if time permits)
- ETSI MEC API work [3] : Is there scope for W3C to engage [4]?
The teleconference will be on Webex, with details of the call are shared on the member-only mailing list. See ref [5] below for call details.
Please let us know if you didn’t receive the email with Webex details.
Hoping to meet all of you soon via conference call.
Best regards,
On behalf of co-chairs of Web & Networks IG
[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-networks-ig/2019Jul/0000.html
[3] https://www.etsi.org/newsroom/blogs/entry/do-we-still-need-standards-in-the-age-of-open-source
[4] https://forge.etsi.org/gitlab/mec
[5] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-networks-ig/2019Jul/0000.html