Urgent message



As you are aware the deadline for submitting any update proposals for the
document has been extended to the end of August 2012. That is another 2
weeks before we collate all our input and take them back to GSMA for
consideration when updating the document. I have yet to receive any
proposals for updating the document.


Can I urge you all to consider the document for the next 2 weeks and let me
have your suggestions by end of August as we have a small window to refine
and deliver the final edited and approve document in time.


I also took an action to look at different companies who may have a lot of
influence in the developer community to popularise the document. I have not
been able to identify a company(ies) who have a universal standing amongst
the develop communities and willing to undertake that commitment. I am aware
there are influential individuals who may take up the cause for a fee;
however agreeing on which individuals are best suited for the task and who
will provide the budget is still an open question. If you can suggest a
company or individual (considered to be suitable for this task), do let me
know by email.


Best wishes




Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 20:35:06 UTC