Re: [manifest] Is the Webapp Manifest spec ready for FPWD?

On 1 Jun 2012, at 12:15, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> On 5/31/12 5:23 PM, ext Adam Barth wrote:
>> Is anyone besides Mozilla interested in implementing this specification?
> I don't recall anyone else committing to an implementation (although it could be a bit early).

I'd be interested in implementing  support for the JSON manifest format in Apache Wookie/Apache Rave, but really want this to be properly harmonized with the Widgets specs rather than a competing incompatible spec. 

> All - please speak up both on a) Adam's question; and b) the question in the Subject: header.
> -Thanks, AB

Received on Friday, 1 June 2012 17:45:14 UTC