Inter-Widget Communication: Use Cases and Implementations

Hi everyone,

One of the common requests from implementers working with W3C Widgets[1], particularly in a browser context, is a standardised means for communication between widgets. This has quite a few dimensions, and has partial coverage from a range of existing technologies and specifications, and so the current landscape is quite complex.

I've collated use cases and implementations [2] from a range of projects (a big thanks to everyone who contributed) as a starting point for looking at IWC as a potential new activity.

As you can see from the implementations we have quite a range of approaches:

- inter-window messaging using HTML5 Web Messaging[3]
- server-side pub-sub using XMPP, Faye or similar
- RPC-style reflection and invocation
- drag and drop with additional semantics
- OpenAjax Hub pubsub messaging [4]
- Google Wave Gadget API for state synchronisation [5]
- Server-sent DOM events for editor state synchronisation [6]

There is also a framework for classifying the approaches that could be helpful:



Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 14:06:32 UTC