Re: Multiple splash screen dimensions

That's a good point... Not sure why we did that. Probably laziness :)

I agree with you Marcos, the user agent should figure that stuff out.

On 11-12-12 9:48 AM, "Marcos Caceres" <> wrote:

>I'm was looking at:
>And see that Phonegap is allowing multiple splash screens so that splash
>screens can be matched up nicely to the most appropriate screen
>We should probably do the same in our spec.
>Phonegap guys, are you finding that people are including multiple splash
>I'll just say that the only thing I don't like about the phonegap
>solution is that the dev has to put in the width and height values (its
>really error prone)Š in W3C widgets, we make the device look those up
>(unless the format has no intrinsic width/height, as is the case with
>SVG). That way, the device can determine the best fit dynamically at
>start up (and store that on first run, for optimization sake).
><splash src="splashes/ipad3_retina_omg_crazylarge_VERTICAL.png" />
><splash src="splashes/ipad3_retina_omg_crazylarge_HORIZONTAL.png" />
><splash src="splashes/ipad.png" />
><splash src="splashes/iphone_retina.png" />
><splash src="splashes/iphone_3gs.png" />
>Marcos Caceres

Received on Monday, 12 December 2011 22:44:36 UTC