Re: Sensors API

Hi Marcos,

off the top of my head there's a few issues it could raise even with
OAuth or similar in place.

        - even with secured channels just the information that certain
        hosts are talking to your device & their frequency can reveal
        - sensor dependent distributed apps are then sensitive to new
        types of DoS attacks
        - once this data is outside your device OAuth etc. can no longer
        control it
        - visibility of what has been approved is important but then may
        clutter the UI

Plus I'm sure lots we haven't even thought of.

But I do think that sensor APIs are the "killer app" that are most
likely to really justify the need for web servers embedded in client


On Tue, 2011-08-30 at 20:40 -0400, Marcos Caceres wrote:
> Hi Rob, 
> On Tuesday, 30 August 2011 at 07:59, Rob Manson wrote:
> > +1 to this opening up some interesting and valuable options for
> > distributed applications that share this sensor data across
> > devices...
> Absolutely! 
> > however that also brings a world of security issues with it
> > too.
> > 
> Lets assume the API was secured with some kind of OAuth-like thing. What other issues do you foresee? 

Received on Wednesday, 31 August 2011 00:55:38 UTC